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How To Volunteer

To Volunteer

  • Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social gain "to benefit another person, group or organization". 

  • Volunteering is also renowned for skill development and is often intended to promote goodness or to improve human quality of life.

  • Volunteering may have positive benefits for the volunteer as well as for the person or community served. 

  • It is also intended to make contacts for possible employment.

  • Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicineeducation, or emergency rescue.

  • Others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster.


Our Volunteers

If we're going to be as successful as we want to be and fund, design and build hundreds or even thousands of cement dome homes to help protect families, animals and property, we're going to need some help!


If we can get some volunteers who believe in our vision and mission, then it will help us to build the cement dome homes that much faster.


The list below highlights some things we need help with and we're open to any suggestions you may have. Please use the registration form below to signup and tell us how you can help.



Methods Of Volunteering

Most of these methods involve working from home via telephone, e-mail and/or on the internet.


  • Sharing Our Project Info By Telephone

    •  If you know people who would possibly like to donate to our projects or get involved, please call them and tell them about how important our mission is.


  • Sharing Our Project Info By E-mail

    • The telephone is effective but, most people have e-mail now and have a large amount of family and friends in their contacts list. Sharing our project info by e-mail would be quick, convenient and timely and really help us spread the word quickly.


  • Sharing Our Project Info By Internet-Social Media

    • As we all know so well, the fastest and easiest way to share something of importance is by using the internet and social media. If everyone will use our "share" buttons (on almost every page) then we'll get the work out immediately and get everyone excited about what we're doing! 


  • Other Methods Of Volunteering

    • If you have additional ideas on how to help us, please tell us in the Registration - Signup Form Below


  • SPECIAL NOTE: Businesses Can "Volunteer" Or Have A More Active Role And "Participate

    • If you're a business and want to help us, please review our "Participation" page and see what is best for you and your company. 


If You Would Like To Help Us By "Volunteering"
Please Register By Using The Form Below & "Check" The Volunteer Box.
In Addition, Please Tell Us How You Want To Volunteer And Gives Us Some Feedback
In The "Notes" Section  



If You Would Like To Take A More "Active" Role In Helping Us,
Please Review Our "Participation" Info Also 



Registration - Signup Form
I Want To Be A Volunteer For HomeGuard (please mark all that apply):

Thanks for submitting!

Registration-Signup Form

This is a registration-signup form only and it's "date stamped."

This is NOT a legal binding agreement for employment &/or compensation and all "volunteers" understand that they are helping HomeGuard without pay of any kind.

All "volunteers" agree to follow all rules and guidelines of HomeGuard and agree in advance that they are NOT employees &/or independent contractors of HomeGuard.


Home Guard ©

Home Guard is a division of Guards With Shields©

Guards With Shields is a division of the Bowen Organization©  

San Diego CA

© Copyright January 1, 2019 by Brad &/or Laurie Bowen, a.k.a. Home Guard & Guards With Shields -- All Rights Reserved

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