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Support Us 

Donate or Get Involved or Do Both

Our vision and goals are so important that we're asking anyone and everyone to help us in any way they can. 

Every little bit, no matter how small, is critical in funding and building cement dome homes to keep people, animals and property safe!

Here are some choices and more are at the bottom of this page. 

Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:

Anchor 1
In Person

Minimum Donaton is $5,000

No cash please, only checks

We're in Ramona in San Diego CA
Please e-mail us to set an appointment 


Any Amount Is Most Appreciated

Use Your PayPal For Secure Donations

Note: A PayPal Processing Fee May Apply

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PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Our PayPal Account Is:

Via Mail

It's easy to donate through the mail too.

Any Amount Is Most Appreciated

511 14th Street, Suite B8

Ramona (San Diego) CA 92065

No cash please, only checks made out to:

"Bowen Org"

With A Note On Your Check Stating:

"Home Guard"

All Donors, Volunteers & Participants Will Have Their Names Automatically

Added To Our "Donor Gallery" On Our Website 

(please inform us if you don't want the listing)

All Strategic Partners & Official Sponsors 

Will Have Their Information Added To Our "Corporate Support Gallery" On Our Website 

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