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How To Be A Strategic Partner

Please Register To Apply

​The Plan
  • As we start to receive donations and Official Sponsors sign up, we'll work with our Honorary Board of Advisers to determine the approach that we'll take on who we help first with our program (the homeowners who have lost their homes and where).

  • We would like to work with Strategic Partners in different locations so we're more efficient with our time, energy and funds.

  • That being said, please sign up with the understanding of our plan above.

Please Use Our Registration-Reservation Form Below
& We'll Contact You To Confirm
Registration - Reservation Form
I Want To Be A Strategic Partner &/or Sponsor For The Following (mark all that apply):

Thanks for submitting!

Registration-Reservation Form

This is a registration-reservation form only and it's "date stamped."

This is NOT a legal binding agreement until a separate contract &/or agreement is signed by both parties.


Home Guard ©

Home Guard is a division of Guards With Shields©

Guards With Shields is a division of the Bowen Organization©  

San Diego CA

© Copyright January 1, 2019 by Brad &/or Laurie Bowen, a.k.a. Home Guard & Guards With Shields -- All Rights Reserved

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