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WA Dome Survives Fire

Updated: Jun 26, 2022

Monolithic Dome saves man from fire

Dave South • Published on Aug 24, 2015 • In The Media

An article posted on

If you missed our Facebook post or the news reports, a Monolithic Dome protected a man during a wildfire in Washington. John Belles rode out the fire inside his Monolithic Dome home that he built in 1999. The news report has spread worldwide.

“The fire was like right here 30 yards or so to the north of me when I decided to go into the building,” Belles said. “I didn’t know how it was going to work out but I figured I was safe inside the building, it was cool and well protected with the concrete and everything.”

You can also watch the exact same news report on Q13 Fox News,, KCTV5 in Kansas, AZ Family, CBS46 in Atlanta, The Blaze, and Popular Mechanics.

And even the Daily Mail in the UK.

One final note to ponder. Wildfires don’t burn down houses. They merely start the house on fire. The house burns itself down. The fear of losing a house to fire is real and always present regardless of where you live. It’s one thing to feel safe at home, it’s quite another to know you are safe.

For more information:

Mr. & Mrs. Brad Bowen

Founders, Veteran with Honorable

HomeGuard ™

Helping To Protect Your Family Before, During & After Natural Disasters ™

Protecting Families From Wildfires, Hurricanes, Flooding, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Hail, Lightning, High Winds!

Bonus: Protection From Pests, Rodents & Thieves

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San Diego Ca

HomeGuard ™ is a proposed real estate design and development company based in the United States. It is a proposed division of The Bowen Organization ™

Copyright June 26, 2022 by Brad and Laurie Bowen, aka The Bowen Organization -- All Rights Reserved

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